Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Blog 13

1. I am going to write about cohabitating before marriage.
2. I want to know if living together before marriage is detrimental to a couple's relationship.
3. I want my reader to know statistics about living together so that they can understand any risks or benefits that will occur from this action. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Penn State Forever

Hearing everything that has gone on in the past week makes me sick.  I have grown up my whole life watching Penn State Football.  It is one of the main reasons why I chose Penn State (first of course being the ice cream).  Every Saturday, my family, friends, and I would record the game (because we alwasy had soccer) and watch it later that night.  It was like a weekly party.  It got to the point where if we did not watch Penn State together the weekend was pretty much a bust.  Then in 7th grade, all twenty of us came up to Happy Valley for our first game! It was against the Purdue Boilermakers, and even though they lost the game, the atmosphere was like nothing I have ever felt before.  Since then I have been to a few more games, but being a student here was going to be like nothing else.  Being able to stand the whole game and do all the cheers, get a pompom, and even get thrown when the team got a touchdown was a dream come true.  This was one of the best Penn State seasons I have ever seen, until last week of course. 
This week has been one of the most depressing weeks in my life. Honestly, I did not really pay attention until they included Joe Paterno in the scandal.  As my mom said the other day "It was like he was a member of our family" and it is so true.  It is like he was our grandpa that we saw every Saturday and now he is gone.  I just can not believe that after 61 years on the coaching staff at Penn State they fired him over the phone.  I know that the Board of Trustees was doing what they thought was necessary to protect teh name of the school, but in my opinion the man had already announced his retirement so they should have let him finish the season.  Joe Paterno is an 84 year old man that in my view could not have known all the details.  For my entire life my dad has been saying that he did not like McQueary so I find his aspect in the story very ironic.  I think that he could not possibly have told Joe Paterno all the facts or that Joe Paterno did not know all of the details.  I also think that, after talking to my dad, Sandusky wanted Joe Paterno's job and when Joe Paterno said he was not leaving Sandusky became mad.  My dad proposed that that is why he did such horrible things on Penn State's campus where anyone could have walked in and saw. 
I do not know all of the facts, but I still think that Joe Paterno should have been given the decency of his last home game at Beaver Stadium.  After serving this school for 61 years, he deserved at least that much.
The day I was born Penn State lost to Florida.  I know this because my dad was watching it.  Ever since then I have watched the game every week.  I can name off people like Zach Mills, Dan Connor, Sean Lee, and Paul Posluszny.  People here are upset by the scandal, but most do not feel as hurt as I do.  I feel like I have been betrayed by something that I loved so much, but as my title says "Penn State Forever".  I will never stop supporting my school.  The actions of one sick man can not tarnish the place that especially in the past three months I have grown to love and even now consider my home.  No matter what anyone says,   Penn State is still Happy Valley to me.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Blog 11

For my paper I said that my audience would be parents of children or adults who were planning on have a baby in the future. When I was looking up magazines for parents, all I could find were articles about Baby Shower gifts, baby names, and which items had been recently recalled. I then thought of the fact that people, parents especially, spend their fair share of time in a doctor's office. This made me think that my article on genetic engineering could be in a medical or science magazine. That is when I found Discover Magazine.  In this magazine I did not find an article about the kind of genetic engineering that I want to focus on for my paper, but I did find one article.  It is called "10 Ways Genetically Engineered Microbes Could Help Humanity."

1.) The issue of the article is that with cheaper prices and more resources, scientists have been able to experiment with different viruses and bacteria to protect the body from diseases from Cancer and HIV and also to use as fuel replacements and clothing materials. 
2.) The authors' stance on the issue is that it is a great advancement in medicine and that it will only improve more in the future.  They also feel that it will help people all over the world through medical advances and materail and energy advances that can make things more affordable and overrall make the quality of like better for everyone. 
3.) The piece is organized into individual sections where each section described a certain advancement that had been made.  It was also split into larger sections of health and energy.  The authors showed their opinions from their tone and their diction. 
4.) I agree with the writers because the type of genetic engineering that they were talking about is not invasive and it is not playing God like when scientists change embryos.  They type of engineering is purely just a positive way to help the human race. 
5.) I liked that the writer split the article into separate sections to show just how many changes had been made.  One thing that I would have changed would be to add some direct opinions into the article and also to add some quotes from developers/scientists or people that are against science like this.
6.) Even though I liked the article, I do not think I would include many aspects that the writers did.  I will try to use a common diction to theirs, but I will not split it up like they did because that would not work with my topic.  I would also like to include a lot more narrative in my paper.  In the article, the writers just gave the facts of the developments, but I think you can affect readers more if you use some kind of pathos in a paper.  I will also include more statistical information in my paper.  The writers of the article gave fact, but no statistics so it is a weird way for them to try to convey an issue or new idea.