Friday, October 28, 2011


Animal Rights:
Leepson, Marc, and Marc Leepson. "Animal Rights." CQ Researcher 24 May 1991: 301-24. Web. 28 Oct. 2011.

-  This article talks about all different times of Animal Rights.  First it gave an overview, but then it went into specific topics like should animals have as many rights as humans and animal testing.  Lastly, it goes into a history of laws that have been set up to protect animals and then shows details of the current situation today.  My view on animal rights is that everyone does not have to become a vegetarian, but hunting laws need to be made stricter and that there shoud be no laboratory testing on poor helpless animals. 

Catholic Schools:
Shaffer, Helen B. "Catholic Schools." Editorial Research Reports 1964. Vol. II. Washington: CQ Press, 1964. 561-79. CQ Researcher. Web. 28 Oct. 2011.

- This article is from 1964, so it is not very relevant to what I was going to discuss about Catholic schools, but I can still use some of the information.  The article talks about the price of closing Catholic schools, Catholic school's punishments, the increasing amount of students and dropping amount of faculty, the need to modernize the schools, and the education of its religious teachers.  It maily focuses on the funding of schools and whether or not it is worth it to close all catholic schools.  My opinion on Catholic schools is much different than the author because I went to Catholic school.  If I were to choose this topic, I would talk about the positives and negatives of Catholic schools today. 

Movie Ratings:
Hansen, Brian. "Movie Ratings." CQ Researcher 28 Mar. 2003: 273-96. Web. 28 Oct. 2011.

- I was trying to pick topics that would interesent me, and movies is definitely one of those topics.  In my dorm I am famous for constantly watching movies.  This article talked about the ratings that have been put on movies.  It discussed the author's view on whether or not the ratings were actually appropriate for the material that would be in the movies.  He also discussed the the highest grossing movies and compared them by what they were rated.  He then went on to discuss if watching higher rating movies had a negative affect on kids temperant and behavior.  Lastly, it talked about the history of movie ratings and how they have changed over the years.  My stance on the issue is that movie ratings are made for a reason.  If you decide to let your children watch adult movies in your home that is your own choice, but you must deal wiith the consequences of that decision.  I think movie theatres should continue to only allow children into a movie if they are old enough. 

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